External grant funds (2005-2023) >1 million USD from: National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, American Society for Microbiology, American Association for the Advancement of Science/Merck, Med Tech RI, RI Aquaculture Initiative.
Espinosa has trained >130 undergraduate students since 2004, about 30% have pursued health professions. Ten students are co-authors in Espinosa’s scientific papers, thirteen graduated with a senior thesis research project. Four students successfully graduated with PhD degrees and are either in academia or in industry; twelve completed an MS degree and are working as research technicians in academia or industry; three are physicians, two veterinarians, two physician assistants, and twelve have research assistant jobs. Three are in PhD programs at Boston College, Rutgers and University of California San Diego.
In 2012 and 2015, two students were awarded summer undergraduate research fellowship funds from the American Society for Microbiology to perform their research projects in the Espinosa lab by competing with 43 or 55 nationwide undergraduate applicants.
Espinosa has trained >130 undergraduate students since 2004, about 30% have pursued health professions. Ten students are co-authors in Espinosa’s scientific papers, thirteen graduated with a senior thesis research project. Four students successfully graduated with PhD degrees and are either in academia or in industry; twelve completed an MS degree and are working as research technicians in academia or industry; three are physicians, two veterinarians, two physician assistants, and twelve have research assistant jobs. Three are in PhD programs at Boston College, Rutgers and University of California San Diego.
In 2012 and 2015, two students were awarded summer undergraduate research fellowship funds from the American Society for Microbiology to perform their research projects in the Espinosa lab by competing with 43 or 55 nationwide undergraduate applicants.